Google, the preeminent leader in search, launched an algorithm yesterday that favors sites that are “mobile-friendly.”
What does that mean? It means that people who use Google to search on their smartphone will see different results at the top of the rankings based on a website having mobile-friendly pages – makes sense…. If you are on a phone you want to get a result that leads to a page that you can read and is “usable” on that smaller screen size. Sites that haven’t updated their designs could find themselves ranked much lower than in the past.
The change is good news for consumers, as it will push companies to make their sites more usable on mobile devices: devices that now generate nearly half of all search traffic, according to Portent, a market-research firm. >
End of day: Google’s #Mobilegeddon has less to do with improving mobile “search” results on “day one”, and a whole lot more to do with Google leveraging their influence and forcing the entire industry to move forward and in the direction of users/consumers. And it’s needed just consider that some 40% of the “most visited” websites fail Google’s mobile friendly test.
Are the websites you work on or visit mobile friendly? Do you have plans to make them mobile friendly soon? Let me know in the comments!